Upon my return to the restaurant I was promptly ignored. No one even made eye contact. And I was at the counter. A woman who I would assume is a manager because she was not in uniform but in business wear was busy chatting away and laughing with a customer about her children, another waitress was writing something, the one who I previously spoke with was just walking around totally oblivious. I. was. livid. Then my husband joined me upstairs, took one look at my face, and knew I was upset. Finally, the cashier looked up at me and asked if I was getting through to which I sternly replied, "No."
Needless to say I was eventually taken care of, I shook my head in frustration, grudgingly paid my bill, took my food and left vowing that was the end of that relationship for me.
Wow! It's just beyond ridiculous what passes for customer service in this country! At every level of society.